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Kingdom Now Theology ?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:24 pm
by Annonymous
I have just discovered the teachings of this theology and I'm wondering if others are encountering problems with trying to keep this out of their Church ?
A man came riding into our town on a white horse presenting a wonderful way of teaching a Biblilcal worldview as opposed to a secular worldview . All he said sounded quite enticing to many . But as I researched what he is selling it turns out to be all Kingdom Now Theology . Here's the weird thing ... looks like this is also Rick Warrens gigg ! Perjhaps that is why Rick's ' Purpose Driven Life ' reminded me of a social program .

So what ya'll think ? Is this furthering a one -world religion ?

Kingdom Now or New World Order?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:56 pm
by jimbaum
Kingdom Now theology is corrupt in my view. It sets up professing Christians to think they are pursuing God's agenda when they are actually helping to build the structure of the counterfeit Christ.

Please see the following article on this site: Kingdom Now or New World Order? at Jim B.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:55 pm
by Guest
I am so thankful to hear you say that , Jim . The more research I've been doing on this , the more well-knowns I've been finding promoting this idea . It would seem to me it totaly throws out Matthew 7 : 13 and 14 for starters . Secoundly , I take Genesis 12 : 3 very seriously and think to claim the place of the Hebrew children is probably playing with fire .

I read that article from your link . It was very good . Al Dager has also done a very compelling article about the Kingdom Now / Dominion Theology .

Coalition on Revival

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:58 am
by jimbaum
Yes, I thank the Lord for Al. I was involved in the Coalition on Revival (COR) in the late 80's and a Dave Hunt newsletter introduced me to Al's Media Spotlight newsletter and his report on COR. That helped me to see that our calling was NOT to try to take over the world for Jesus. Jim B.