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News from the middle east

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:48 am
by David
I believe I mentioned else where to keep an eye on this character but for those who only follow this issue occasionally; it seems clear that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan may win the Presidency next month. He is an Islamist without a doubt. Despite this fact, he has been playing the role of peace loving moderate. Because so much of the government is now controlled by the AKP (Islamist) party, if an Islamist wins the Presidency, Turkey as a secular country could fall and very quickly become a radicalized entity and a threat to Middle East stability. As if we need another destabilizing factor. Again, this is highly relevant in light of the fact that (yes fact) Turkey will likely lead the emerging Antichrist coalition of radical nations. Of course if you think Ezekiel and Daniels legs of iron and feet of clay speak of a Revived Roman Empire then you will certainly not agree.

Also in the news ;) we see that Libya’s President Momar Qaddafi is pitting himself against the Arab nations (The foremost of which are Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan) and is clearly going to bat for Shi’a Islam and Iran. One again, the specific nations specified by Ezekiel in chapter 38 are indeed forming a coalition and are standing against the “resisitor nations“.

Resistor nations are all mentioned specifically by name as resisting and or protesting the AC empire and his advances etc. Egypt is mentioned in Daniel as the King of the South who clashes with the AC (King of the North). Jordan (Mentioned as Edom, Moab and Ammon) is specifically said to escape from the AC’s hand - again in Daniel. And lastly Saudi is mentioned in Ezekiel as one of two entities that protest the AC’s inavsion. “Sheba and Dedan (both in Saudi) and the merchants of Tarshish will say, ‘Have you come to take spoil…” But God knows best.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:59 am
by David