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We have a book

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:46 pm
by Biblebeliever
We have a book:

God has given us a book. Pages with His inspired writings on, bound between two covers in tangible form:

All scripture (not just 'some' verses) is given by inspiration of God ... Every word (not just 'most' words) of God is pure.

What's more, He has promised to look after (preserve) His word, in page form, word for word, right through the turmoil's of history.

Is God a liar? Does He not keep His promise?


Psalm 12: 6-7. The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

Do you know what the above verses are saying? You will never be taught this in any cult, personality sect, charismatic circle, nor in any neo-evangelical church for that matter. Let's dissect and take a closer look at the above verses:

# The words of the Lord are pure words

This means God's word is not corrupted. When God's spoken word is penned by His servants and approved by Him, it cannot be influenced by man to mean anything else than what God originally intended it to be:

Pr. 30:5. Every word of God is pure!

This is why it says ... All scripture are given by inspiration of God.

# As silver tried in a furnace of earth

As the Devil and man have attacked God's word right through the aeons of time, it has proved its worth and uniqueness as a book. It has come forth shining as Champion of all books. Against all odds it as triumphed miraculously. No papal army, inquisition, confederacy, or devil could stamp it out. No fire of trial, or ordeal, has been able to quench its effectiveness. It still comes through (and cuts through) sharper than any twoedged sword. Tried and proven the test of time!

# Purified seven times

A continual living proof the word of God stands alone on the earth, in its completeness and entirety (seven means completion).

At the beginning of the Book we are warned not to tamper with its contents, either adding or subtracting from it. In the middle of the Book we are warned again. At the end of the Book we are reminded again, with a consequence of what will happen to us if we do.

Are we really trembling at God's pure word, or is it tickling our ears?

# Thou shalt keep them, O Lord

Good news!! You don't have to go to the original Greek, or find the Hebrew root word, or to a bible college, or rely on a "qualified" scholar to find out what the Lord was originally trying to say, because Gods word is not lost! He has given you His word in English, in-the-here-and-now, based on a time when English was at its purest form, when the Lord was laying down a basis for a universal language. Yes! The Lord has kept His word, it is here in tangible form, without Heaven's censorship and without copyright!

If you go to man to find what God has got to say, he may tell you the lie the word of God has been lost, because the originals are all gone. In other words ... there's no guarantee; "we only have copies of copies of the originals, and from one interpretation to another we may have lost its original meaning along the way. That's why you need qualified people who have come out of seminary and may have discovered something new about the originals, taught by their superiors, so they can help you understand what the scriptures were originally trying to convey."

Forget it! Get a relationship with the Lord and He will show you what the scriptures are saying!

1 Corinthians 1:6. Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you:

The Holy Spirit always agrees with the word and will never act independently.

[ THIS IS HOW WE KNOW PERVERSION WHEN WE HEAR IT! John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:]

The word guarantees it.

Even though you may have copies of copies from the original decayed scripts, do you think the Lord is not wise and trust worthy enough to have kept His word?

Though heaven and earth shall pass away, his words are here to stay!! ... separation

Satan continues to say, "yea, hath God said"? He says it in the modern PERversions and the MOUTHS of the MEN who defend them!